The SLM Process

SLM follows a unique 6-step process which is represented by a COG shape just like the settings on your computer.  Each section of the COG engages with the next to create a dynamic forward movement that sets the flywheel towards success.  Organizations can choose to follow all 6 steps or choose just one of the elements and apply it to an area of their program. 

1. Analysis

This is first and last step in the process as we turn the COG full circle. Examples of how this can be applied to your organization include a complete analysis of your club or the various stakeholders such as administrators, coaching staff and players.

2. Support

We now have some results from our review that we then work with the organization to provide support and come up with a plan together.

3. Manage

We now work with the group and manage expectations, results, provide structure etc.

4. Develop

We start to look at how we can enhance the plan.

5. Lead

We now are assisting and promoting and paving the way for the group to go ahead using our experiences and acumen.

6. Perform

We now compete and succeed by putting it all together.