How we help

The main areas that SLM address are related to the major challenges of all developing organizations regardless of the industry.  From personal leadership to managing a high performing organization, understanding how to deal with change and innovation, understanding best practices and structure and remaining relevant in the marketplace.

The following are just a few of the various challenges that sporting organizations have to consider.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Postive Environment

Creating an environment that is positive, inclusive and matches the organizations philosophy. Included in this is development of best practice, code of conduct and expected standards for all stakeholders.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Player Rentention

Ensuring players remain with the organization beyond the age Under 8 by building an emotional connection with your club.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Player Development Model

The need to provide a consistent, qualified player development model including age-appropriate structure for practices, games and seasonal play.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Volunteer Recruitment

The recruitment, retention and training of volunteers at coach and administration level.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Coach Education

The continued development and education of your coaches so they can grow within your program.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Coach/Player Evaluation

Delivery of an effective player and coach evaluation program throughout the year rather than simply at the end of each season or even once a year.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Communications Plan

Effective communication, branding and marketing of your organization to various stakeholders i.e., players, parents, coaches, administrators, partners and vendors.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Sponsors & Partners

Identifying, recruiting and working with outside vendors and partners that match and meet your organization’s values, aims and objectives.

The Sports Leadership Management Group

Financial Management

Management of finances and revenue building opportunities


Consider the challenges to just three groups within your organization from player to coach to club.  We see our role as providing support to all the various stakeholders in your organization and their responsibility in meeting your expectations and goals.  Some examples of how we support these groups include;